A Message From The Founder
Dear Lady Glow-Getters,
I'm a firm believer in speaking your truth. Why? You overcome by the word of your testimony. There is nothing more liberating than breaking through chains of fear. Those chains are meant to silence your voice and stifle your purpose. The truth is, we are all here to help someone else. Your gifts, talents and experiences aren’t just for you. That’s right! Your voice matters and your story should be heard. For this reason, I am passionate about inspiring others.
Are you shining? Have you allowed feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt to dim your light? We are all at different stages of our journeys. I would love to share my journey with you by speaking at your event (fill out the information below and provide a brief description of the event). I hope to inspire you and push you to the next level of your life. It's time to shine fearlessly. Lights On!
Yours truly,
Kim Douglas
Founder + CEO
Lights On Empowerment, LLC